Tagaytay City Holy Week/Vacation….part 2

My summer/holy week vacation at Tagaytay City, Cavite, Philippines continues…

Early morning of Good Friday, we just walked around Canyon Woods. I had a great time exploring the place and was in awe of God’s amazing creation. Breakfast was fried rice, fried egg, fried turkey (Spam) and hot chocolate. We had our family devotion after that. Yaku led the family prayer via Facetime and then Ate led the sharing on the seven last words of Jesus. Mom led the closing prayer and we all cried a river.

We went to Gerry’s Grill for lunch. The place was overflowing with people and we had to wait for more than 15 minutes to get seated. Our lunch was grilled squid, beef kare-kare, which is a Filipino stew complimented with a thick savory peanut sauce, sizzling balut, sizzling tuna sisig and sizzling oriental garlic seafood.

Next stop was at Sky Ranch, a leisure park complete with restaurants and amusement park called Sky Fun. You can also have a great view of the majestic Taal lake and volcano from this place. There was  a 300-meter long zipline in the area which was the first thing that I tried when we arrived. The experience was unforgettable.

We rode the Sky Eye, the tallest ferris wheel in the Philippines standing at 207 feet with 32 airconditioned gondolas. You pay Php150 for a 10-minute ride.





The view while on top of the wheel was simply amazing!





There was also a spacious “Tent” in the area for special events. During our visit, half of the tent was occupied by food vendors.



We had our late lunch at Kenny Rogers Roasters inside the Sky Ranch. I was looking for a souvenir shop within the ranch but didn’t find one.  We also went to Taal Vista Hotel to meet up with some relatives before going back to Canyon Woods. We had tuna pasta, steamed buttered vegetables and corn bread for dinner. A mild asthma attack during the night and thoughts of her has kept me awake until the early morning of Black Saturday.

Sonya’s Garden was the next destination and we went there just in time for lunch. The place was enchanting. We had our lunch-all-you-can buffet of organic fresh vegetables and fruits, creamy chicken, freshly baked whole wheat bread, tomato salsa, glazed sweet potato, freshly squeezed dalandan juice and edible flowers. The salad dressing, according to my Ate, was orgasmically delicious. We had tarragon tea after the delicious buffet.  The price was Php683 per person. We also went to the garden’s SPA for foot scrub and massage before going back to Canyon Woods.




I spent the rest of the day sleeping. Our dinner was the bread that we bought from Panaderia at Sonya’s Garden, beef noodles, siomai, small bananas and  fried turkey-SPAM.  We had iced-cold Coca Cola, too. Thank God!

The rest of the night was spent on Facetime with our family in San Francisco.  We also prepared our things as we will leave Tagaytay before lunch the next day.

I can’t thank God enough for this great vacation. Aside from the food trippin’ 🙂 , I really had a great time with my family in the Philippines. I was able to bond with my nephews, Jay and Jeime and my nieces, Jaja and Nice. I had my special moments with Ditse and Ate, got cool advise from my bro-in-law, Thony, and funny moments with my Ate’s boyfriend, Kuya Thops.

God is keeping my heart on “steady” mode. I’m still hurting, yes, but I’m learning the basic of  handling a heart break  so I won’t drown myself. Living my life one day at a time in God’s love is keeping me alive. And yes,  I’m learning to “smile” again 🙂

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